Kamis, 01 November 2018


how to create fake calligraphy (tutorial + practice worksheets)

I have always loved beautiful calligraphy.
calligraphy writing on envelopes (via)

thought I’d share it with you today. Here’s how to create fake calligraphy.
how to create fake calligraphy

Step One: Choose a good fine tip ink pen

good handwriting pens
Your choice of pen is mostly based personal preference, but I do think a good quality pen makes a difference in the quality of lettering. You don’t have to go super fancy; there are hundreds of great pen options at your local office store. I prefer an extra fine tip and a rolling ball head to make the pen glide easily. I like the pilot precise extra fine pen the best, but just bought the foray stylemark at the office store and it’s a good one too.

STEP TWO: Write any letter of the alphabet

fake calligraphy letter A
You can do this in pencil first if you prefer, or just freehand with a pen. Cursive works great, but so does regular printing.

STEP THREE: Fill in the downstrokes

downstrokes on letter A
Every time your pen stroke goes downward (as seen with the arrows above), you will draw a line right next to it and fill it in. This will give your letter the calligraphy look with some strokes being light and airy, and the downstrokes slightly thicker. A fancy calligraphy pen will do this automatically – as you press on the nib, the tines open and allow more ink to flow through, creating a thicker line. When you press lightly (as you do on all upstrokes) the tines stay closed and only a small amount of ink passes through. With this fake calligraphy method, we’re trying to achieve the same thick-thin stroke look, but without the fancy tools.
See how easy it is?
The beauty of fake calligraphy is you can do it on any lettering style, and you can vary the width of the downstoke as much or little as you wish.
Here’s another example.  I wrote the word love in cursive:
cursive love
then filled in the down strokes:
fake calligraphy love

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